The command-line version of ProB offers many of the feature of the standalone Tcl/Tk Version via the command-line. As such, you can run ProB from your shell scripts or in your Makefiles.
Note that the stand-alone Tcl/Tk version also supports a limited form of command-line preferences:
However, the comand-line version of ProB, called probcli, provides more features. It also does not depend on Tcl/Tk and can therefore be run on systems without Tcl/Tk.
Typing probcli will give you a help printout, describing most of the functions:
%./probcli ProB Command Line Interface VERSION 1.3.1-final6 ($Rev: 4187 $) $LastChangedDate: 2010-01-15 12:47:38 +0100 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010) $ Usage: probcli FILE [OPTIONS] OPTIONS are: -mc Nr model check; checking at most Nr states -noXXX XXX=dead,inv,goal,ass (for model check) -bf proceed breadth-first -df proceed depth-first -t trace check (associated .trace file must exist) -init initialise specification -cbc constraint based checking of all operations -strict raise error if mc finds counter example or trace checking fails -expcterr ERR expect error to occur (ERR=cbc,mc,ltl,...) -i interactive animation -c print coverage statistics -cc Nr Nr print and check coverage statistics -p PREF Val set Preference to Value -s Port start socket server on given port -ss start socket server on port 9000 -sf start socket server on some free port -l LogFile log activities in LogFile -ll log activities in /tmp/prob_cli_debug.log -lg LogFile analyse logfile using gnuplot -v verbose -version print version information -assertions check ASSERTIONS -rc runtime checking of types/pre-/post-conditions -ltlfile F check LTL formulas in file F -ltlassertions check LTL assertions (in DEFINITIONS) -save File save state space for later refinement check -refchk File refinement check against previous saved state space FILE extensions are: .mch for B abstract machines .ref for B refinement machines .imp for B implementation machines .csp, .cspm for CSP-M files, same format as FDR .eventb for Event-B packages exported from Rodin ProB Plugin Preferences PREF are: MAXINT : nat ==> MaxInt, used for expressions such as xx::NAT (2147483647 for 4 byte ints) MININT : neg ==> MinInt, used for expressions such as xx::INT (-2147483648 for 4 byte ints) DEFAULT_SETSIZE : nat ==> Size of unspecified deferred sets in SETS section MAX_INITIALISATIONS : nat1 ==> Max Number of Initialisations Computed MAX_OPERATIONS : nat ==> Max Number of Enablings per Operation Computed SHOW_EVENTB_ANY_VALUES : bool ==> Show top-level ANY variable values of Event B Events as operation parameters ANIMATE_SKIP_OPERATIONS : bool ==> Animate operations which are skip or PRE C THEN skip EXPAND_CLOSURES_FOR_STATE : bool ==> Convert lazy form back into explicit form for Variables, Constants, Operation Arguments SYMBOLIC : bool ==> Lazy expansion of lambdas & set comprehensions RECURSIVE : bool ==> Lazy expansion of *Recursive* set Comprehensions and lambdas STATIC_ORDERING : bool ==> Use static ordering to enumerate constants which occur in most PROPERTIES first SYMMETRY_MODE : [off,flood,nauty,hash] ==> Symmetry Mode: off,flood,canon,nauty,hash TIME_OUT : nat1 ==> Time out for computing enabled transitions (in ms) USE_PO : bool ==> Restrict invariant checking to affected clauses. Also remove clauses that are proven (EventB) TRY_FIND_ABORT : bool ==> Try more aggressively to detect ill-defined expressions (e.g. applying function outside of domain), may slow down animator NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS : nat ==> How many levels of refined models are animated by default More info at:
To load a file My.mch, setup the constants and initialize it do:
probcli -init My.mch
To load a file M.mch, setup the constants, initialize and then check all assertions with Atelier-B's default values for MININT and MAXINT and an increased timeout of 5 seconds do:
probcli -init -assertions -p MAXINT 2147483647 -p MININT -2147483647 -p TIME_OUT 5000 M.mch