We assume that you have completed Tutorial Complete Model Checking.
Let us examine the following B machine:
MACHINE DoubleCounter VARIABLES counter INVARIANT counter:NATURAL & counter<=128 INITIALISATION counter:=8 OPERATIONS Double = PRE counter<100 THEN counter := 2*counter END; Halve = BEGIN counter := counter/2 END END
Now click the "Model Check" button. After a short while, ProB will give you the following message:
Is this model correct?
If you look purely at the state space of the machine (choose the View State Space command in the Animate menu) you get the following picture:
Indeed, all reachable states are correct, in the sense that the invariant counter:NATURAL & counter<=128 holds for all of those states.
However, you will not be able to prove the system correct using AtelierB or Rodin.