[Category:User Manual]]
Start off by installing the standalone Tcl/Tk version of ProB. Follow the instructions in Installation. Start ProB by double-clicking on ProBWin (for Windows users), or by launching StartProB.sh from a Terminal (for Linux and Mac users).
Use the "Open..." command in the "File" menu and then navigate to the "Examples" directory that came with your ProB installation. Inside the "CSP" subfolder, open the "buses.csp" specification. Your main ProB window should now look as follows:
We have now loaded a first simple CSP model. Let us look at the contents of the ProB window (ignoring the menu bar).
Now, double click on "MAIN" process in the "Enabled Operations" Pane. This has the effect of computing the events offered by MAIN. The lower half of the ProB window should now look as follows (the upper half will remain unchanged):