
Revision as of 13:03, 25 October 2010 by Michael Leuschel (talk | contribs)

Below we show the graphical visualisation of a complicated property by ProB's graphical formula viewer. The graphics are also available as File:GraphicalViewerSiemensSaoPauloL9.pdf. The property is the following one:

!iti_ztr.(iti_ztr: t_iti_ztr_pas =>
  !(cv_ztr1,cv_ztr2).(cv_ztr1: t_cv_ztr & cv_ztr2: t_cv_ztr &
    cv_ztr1: {aa,bb | aa: t_iti_ztr_pas & bb: t_cv_ztr &
      bb: inv_iti_ztr_cv_liste_i[inv_iti_ztr_cv_deb(aa)..inv_iti_ztr_cv_fin(aa)]}[{iti_ztr}] &
    cv_ztr2: {aa,bb | aa: t_iti_ztr_pas & bb: t_cv_ztr &
      bb: inv_iti_ztr_cv_liste_i[inv_iti_ztr_cv_deb(aa)..inv_iti_ztr_cv_fin(aa)]}[{iti_ztr}] &
    not(cv_ztr1 = cv_ztr2)

It stems from a Siemens model for the automatic controller for Line 9 of Sao Paulo. The property defied validation using Atelier B or alternate methods.
