The ProB2 JavaFX Main Window
By default the main window is split into three vertical panes (see below).
- In the left pane, the Operations view , showing the operations whose preconditions and guards are true in this state (the view also uses a blue circular arrow icon when an operation does not change the state);
- In the middle the State View, containing the current state of the B machine, listing e.g., the current values of the machine variables;
- In the right pane there are a variety of subviews, which can be activate:
- The History of operations leading to this state (History).
- The Project view
- The Verification view
- The Statistics view
The ProB2 JavaFX Main Menu Bar
The menu bar contains the various commands to access the features of ProB. It includes the traditional "File" menu with a sub-menu "Recent Files" to quickly access the files previously opened in ProB. Notice the commands "Open\Save", "Reopen\Save" and "Reopen"; the latter reopens the currently opened file and reinitializes the state of the animation and the model checking processes completely. The "About" menu provides help on the tool and includes a command to check if an update is available on the ProB website.