Glossary:Graphical Viewer Preferences

  • graphical viewer (PostScript, Dot Viewer, Alternative Dot Viewer) used
  • if operation arguments, functions, self-loops, leaves, root node, node identifiers, node information should be printed,
  • if the arcs should be colored,
  • if the normal nodes should be filled with color,
  • if the nodes that satisfy the GOAL predicate should be colored,
  • if the properties of the node should be colored,
  • the shape for the root node, normal node, and current node and the color for open nodes, open (uninteresting) nodes, normal nodes, invariant violation, normal arcs, and nodes that satisfy the GOAL predicates,
  • the font size for node labels and edge labels,
  • choose the Path/Command for the dot program, dot viewer, alternate dot viewer, and Postscript viewer.