
Latest Release

Note: please use the provided start scripts ( or StartProBWin.bat) to start ProB. On Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.x) you have to install a corrected version of Tcl/Tk as indicated below (the distribution provided by Apple is broken).

Platform Release Date Download Dependencies
Linux 10.02.2011 Tarball (32bit),
Tarball (64bit),
Ubuntu/Debian package (32bit)
Java Runtime Environment (5.0 or newer), Tcl/Tk 8.5
Windows 10.02.2011 Zipfile (with probcli) Tcl/Tk 8.4 for Windows,

Java Runtime Environment (5.0 or newer)

Mac OS X, Snow Leopard, Intel 10.02.2011 Tarball (with probcli) Tcl/TK 8.5,

Graphviz for Mac OS X

Mac OS X, Leopard, Intel 10.02.2011 Tarball (with probcli) Tcl/TK 8.5,

Graphviz for Mac OS X

Mac OS X, Tiger, Intel 30.07.2010 Tarball (with probcli) Tcl/TK 8.4,

Graphviz for Mac OS X

Linux 13.01.2010 Tarball Java Runtime Environment (5.0 or newer), Tcl/Tk 8.4
Mac OS X, PPC Tiger 07.12.2009 Tarball Tcl/TK 8.5,

Graphviz for Mac OS X


Please note that Tcl/Tk 8.6 is not yet supported by SICStus Prolog. Also note that on Mac OS X you may have to reinstall Tcl/Tk using one of the links given above (because the Tcl/Tk provided by Apple crashes after opening a file using the standard file selection dialog). On Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.x) you have to install Tcl/Tk as indicated above.

Nightly Build

You can download our nightly integration build from here.

The latest Tcl/Tk version of ProB requires the text module from tklib. This should come pre-installed on Mac and often on Windows as well. On Linux you need to install tklib. On Ubuntu just type sudo apt-get install tklib. If you used the Active Tcl distribution, you need to type

sudo /opt/ActiveTcl-8.5/bin/teacup install tklib85

on Linux.

Recently you can use ProB with Tcl/Tk 8.5 on Windows. If you have the older version of Tcl/Tk 8.4 you have to install the newer one 8.5 (you should be able to also keep the older version). For Windows we recommend installing ActiveTcl-8.5 (the win32-ix86-threaded version). ActiveTcl-8.5 installs an additional tool "Teacup", with which you can install Tcl/Tk library extensions like tcllib and tklib. To use the latest Tcl/Tk version of ProB may have to install tklib. This library can be then installed on Windows with Teacup by typing

teacup install tklib85

into the Command Prompt, when you are logged in as an administrator.

Earlier Releases

If you are interested in earlier releases, please have a look at the Download directory.