You can modify the ProB preferences by selecting the ProB pane inside the Rodin preferences. We explain the most important preferences below.
Within classical B this provides the range for the implementable integer type. In Rodin, there are only the mathematical integers, and there is no MININT or MAXINT constant. However, this preference will be used by ProB if it cannot determine the value of an integer variable, to know in which range it should be enumerated.
ProB requires all carrier sets to be finite and ProB has to know the cardinality before starting the animation or model checking.
Some sets are explicitly enumerated, and thus finite. ProB will use this to infer the correct cardinality.
For the other sets, ProB will try to chose a cardinality. If the axioms of a context contain explicit predicates about the cardinality, such as card(S)=4, then this value will be used. You can also use card(S)<n to specify a maximum cardinality, or
card(S)>n to specify a minimum cardinality.
Note that you can create a new context with those axioms just for animation or model checking with ProB.
If ProB cannot infer the size of a carrier set, it will use the default value provided in the "Size of unspecified sets" preference.