Tutorial Understanding the Complexity of B Animation

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We assume that you grasped the way that ProB setups up the initial states of a B machine as outlined in Tutorial Setup Phases.

In this lesson, we examine the complexity of animation of B models in general, how ProB solves this problem and what the ramification for users are.


In general, animation of a B model is undecidable. I.e., it is undecidable whether a solution to the PROPERTIES can be found, whether a valid INITIALISATION exists and whether an operation can be applied.

For example, the following B machine encodes Goldbach's conjecture (that every even number greater than 2 is a Goldbach number, i.e., it can be expressed as the sum of two primes):

MACHINE Goldbach
  prime(x) == x>1 & !y.(y:NATURAL & y>1 & y<x => x mod y /= 0)
  GoldbachNumber(x,p1,p2) = SELECT x:NATURAL & x mod 2 = 0 & x>2 &
         p1<x & p2<x & p1<=p2 & prime(p1) & prime(p2) & x = p1+p2 THEN
  NotGoldbachNumber(x) = SELECT x:NATURAL & x mod 2 = 0 & x>2 &
      !(p1,p2).(p1<x & p2<x & p1<=p2 & prime(p1) & prime(p2) => x /= p1+p2) THEN

If the conjecture is true, then the operation NotGoldbachNumber is disabled; if the conjecture is false then it is enabled.