VisB is a plugin for ProB2-UI, the new user interface of ProB based on JavaFX and the ProB2-Java-API . It can be downloaded at An article about VisB has been published in the ABZ'2020 proceedings.
To install VisB in the JavaFX-based ProB2-UI you need to:
1. Choose "Plugin Menu" in the Advanced menu 2. Click on the "Add Plugin..." button. 3. Select the VisB JAR file you have downloaded from 4. Choose the "Open VisB" command in the Advanced menu
You can now choose a JSON file which builds on top of a SVG graphics file. The JSON file contains a reference to a SVG file, along with entries to modify attributes based on the current state of a B model and entries which specify how VisB should react to clicks on the SVG. The SVG file should contain object ids which are referenced in the JSON file.
Here is a sample file:
{ "svg":"Train2.svg", "items":[ { "id":"Train1_rect", "attr":"visibility", "value":"IF 1:TRAIN THEN \"visible\" ELSE \"hidden\" END" }, { "id":"Train1_rect", "attr":"fill", "value":"IF train_speed(1)>0 THEN \"blue\" ELSE \"orange\" END" }, { "id":"Train1_rect", "attr":"x", "value":"train_back_loc(1)*10+20" }, { "id":"Train1_rect", "attr":"width", "value":"train_length(1)*10" } ], "events":[ { "id":"Train1_rect", "event":"Train_Move1", "predicates":[ "1=1" ] } ] }
Some examples can be found here. More details and examples will be added later.