Starting ProB Tcl/Tk:
sicstus -Dprob_profile=true -l src/ --goal "go."'
Starting probcli from source:
alias probsli='rlwrap $SICSTUSDIR/bin/sicstus -l src/ --goal "go_cli." -a' probsli ...
Starting test runner from source:
alias tests='cd $NEWPROBDIR; rlwrap $SICSTUSDIR/bin/sicstus -Dprob_safe_mode=true -l $NEWPROBDIR/src/ --goal "test_repl." -- ' tests last
ProB Prolog compile time flags:
prob_profile (enables B operation profiling to be displayed in ProB Tcl/Tk in Debug menu) prob_safe_mode (performs additional checking, in particular that ASTs are well-formed) prob_data_validation_mode (deprecated, replaced by DATA_VALIDATION preference) prob_release (removes certain tests from the code) no_terminal_colors (disable terminal colors) debug_kodkod (write dot files for kodkod interval analysis) no_wd_checking (disable WD checking for function application)