We assume that you have completed Tutorial Complete Model Checking. It may also be a good idea to complete the Tutorial_Model_Checking,_Proof_and_CBC.
Let us examine the following B model:
MACHINE SimpleAccount CONSTANTS minb,maxb PROPERTIES minb < maxb & minb <= 0 & maxb >= 0 & maxb > 1000 VARIABLES balance INVARIANT balance: minb..maxb INITIALISATION balance:=0 OPERATIONS Deposit(s) = SELECT s>0 & balance+s<= maxb THEN balance := balance + s END; Withdraw(s) = SELECT s>0 & balance-s >= minb THEN balance := balance - s END; NoWithrawalPossible = SELECT balance = minb THEN skip END; NoDepositPossible = SELECT balance = maxb THEN skip END END
In model-based testing you want to generate traces for your model which satisfy a certain coverage criterion. Currently, ProB basically supports one coverage criterion: operation coverage, i.e., ProB tries to cover all operations (aka events for Event-B).
There are two ways this coverage can be achieved systematically: using model checking or using a constraint-based approach.
Select the "Stop when all OPERATIONS Covered" check box in the model checking dialog:
Press the "Model Check" button; after a short while ProB should respond with