ProB provides a variety of preferences to control its behaviour. A list of preferences can be found in the manual page for probcli.
This only works for classical B models. For a preference P you can add the following definition to the DEFINITIONS section of the main machine:
This will set the preference P to the value VAL for this model only.
You can set a preference P to a value VAL for a particular run of probcli by adding the command-line switch -p P VAL, e.g.,
probcli -p P VAL mymachine.mch -mc 9999
You can obtain a list of preferences by calling probcli as follows:
probcli -help -v
You can use a preference file generated by ProB Tcl/Tk:
-prefs FILE
This will import all preferences from this file, as set by ProB Tcl/Tk.
You can also set the scope for a particular [[Deferred Sets|deferred set] GS using the following command-line switch:
-card GS Val
ProB Tcl/Tk stores your preferences settings in a file
The ProB preferences are grouped into various categories. In the "Preferences" Menu you can modify the preferences for each category:
For example, if you choose the graphical viewer preferences you will get this dialog: