Using the Command-Line Version of ProB: Difference between revisions

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  probcli my.mch -p CLPFD TRUE -repl
  probcli my.mch -p CLPFD TRUE -repl

A list of commands can be obtained by typing <tt>:help</tt> (just help for versions 1.3.x of probcli). The interactive read-eval-print-loop can be exited using <tt>:q<tt> (just typing a return on a blank line for versions 1.3.x of probcli)..
If in addition you want see a graphical representation of the solutions found you can use the following command and open the <tt></tt> file using dotty or GraphViz:
If in addition you want see a graphical representation of the solutions found you can use the following command and open the <tt></tt> file using dotty or GraphViz:
  probcli -repl -evaldot ~/
  probcli -repl -evaldot ~/

Revision as of 16:34, 8 July 2014

The command-line version of ProB offers many of the feature of the standalone Tcl/Tk Version via the command-line. As such, you can run ProB from your shell scripts or in your Makefiles. These pages refer to version 1.3.4 and 1.3.5 of ProB. Some features are only available in the nightly build of ProB. You can run probcli --help to find out which commands are supported by your version of ProB.

Note: the order of commands is not relevant for probcli (except within groups of commands such as -p MAXINT 127). Every argument that is not recognised by probcli is treated as a filename to be analysed.

Conventions used

The following conventions are used in this guide:

<replaceme> All values that should be replaced with some value are shown withing < >
line breaks Command synopsis for command may be broken up on several lines. When typing commands enter all option on the same line.


probcli [--help]
<filename> [ <options> ]

Command-line Arguments for ProB Tcl/Tk

Note that the stand-alone Tcl/Tk version also supports a limited form of command-line preferences:

  • FILE (the name/path of the file to be loaded)
  • -prefs PREF_FILE (to use a specific preferences file, rather than the default in your home folder)
  • -batch (to instruct ProB not to try to bring up windows, but to print information only to the terminal)
  • -selfcheck (to run the standard unit tests)
  • -t (to perform the Trace Check on the default trace file associated with the specification)
  • -tcl TCL_Command (to run a particular pre-defined Tcl command)
  • -mc (to perform model checking)
  • -c (to compute the coverage)
  • -ref (to perform the default trace refinment check)

However, the comand-line version of ProB, called probcli, provides more features. It also does not depend on Tcl/Tk and can therefore be run on systems without Tcl/Tk.


-mc <nr>


model check; checking at most <nr> states


 probcli my.mch -mc 100

Note: with a value of nr=1 ProB will only inspect the "virtual" root node (and compute its outgoing transitions). Also see the related options -nodead, -noinv, -nogoal, -noass to influence which kinds of errors are reported by -mc.



restrict errors reported by model checking with <x>=dead,inv,goal,ass

-nodead : do not report deadlocks -noinv : do not report invariant violations -nogoal : do not stop if a state satisfying the GOAL predicate has been found -noass : do not report assertion violations


 probcli my.mch -mc 1000 -nodead -nogoal



proceed breadth-first


 probcli my.mch -bf -mc 1000



proceed depth-first


 probcli my.mch -df -mc 1000

--timeout <N>


Global timeout in ms for model checking and refinement checking.

This does not influence the timeout used for computing individual transitions/operations. This has to be set with the -p TIME_OUT <N>. See the description of the -p option.


probcli my.mch -timeout 10000



trace check (associated .trace file must exist)


probcli my.mch -t



initialise specification


probcli my.mch -init
% checking_component_properties(1,[])
% enumerating_constants_without_constraints([typedval(fd(_24428,ID),global(ID),iv)])
% grounding_wait_flags
% found_enumeration_of_constants(0,2)
% backtrack(found_enumeration_of_constants(0,2))
% found_enumeration_of_constants(0,1)
% backtrack(found_enumeration_of_constants(0,1))
<- 0: SETUP_CONSTANTS :: root
% Could not set up constants with parameters from trace file.
% Will attempt any possible initialisation of constants.
 | 0: SETUP_CONSTANTS success -->0
 - <- 1: INITIALISATION :: 0
% Could not initialise with parameters from trace file.
% Will attempt any possible initialisation.
 -  | 1: INITIALISATION success -->2

-cbc <OPNAME>


constraint-based invariant checking for an operation (also use <OPNAME>=all)


probcli my.mch -cbc all



Perform constraint-based deadlock checking (also use -cbc_deadlock_pred PRED)

This will try to find a state which satisfies the invariant and properties and where no operation/event is enabled. Note: if ProB finds a counter example then the machine cannot be proven to be deadlock free. However, the particular state may not be reachable from the initial state(s). If you want to find a reachable deadlock you have to use the model checker.

-cbc_deadlock_pred <<PRED>>


Constraint-based deadlock finding given a predicate

This is like -cbc_deadlock but you provide an additional predicate. ProB will only find deadlocks which also make this predicate true.


probcli my.mch  -cbc_deadlock_pred "n=15"



raise error if mc finds counter example or trace checking fails


probcli my.mch -t -strict

-expcterr <ERR>


expect error to occur (<ERR>=cbc,mc,ltl,...)

Tell ProB that you expect a certain error to occur. Mainly useful for regression tests (in conjunction with the -strict option).


probcli examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr.mch -mc 1000 -expcterr invariant_violation -strict

-animate <Nr>


random animation (max Nr steps)

Animates the machine randomly, maximally Nr of steps. It will stop if a deadlock is reached and report an error. You can also use the command -animate_all, which will only stop at a deadlock (and not report an error). Be careful: -animate_all could run forever.


probcli my.mch -animate 100



check if animation steps are deterministic

Checks if every step of the animation is deterministic (i.e., only one operation is possible, and it can only be executed in one possible way as far as parameters and result is concerned). Currently this option has only an effect for the -animate <Nr> and the -init commands.


probcli my.mch -animate 100 -det_check



check if animation steps are deterministic

Checks if the SETUP_CONSTANTS step is deterministic (i.e., only one way to set up the constants is possible). Currently this option has only an effect for the -animate <Nr> and the -init commands.


probcli my.mch -init -det_constants

-his <FILE>


save animation history to a file

Save the animation (or model checking) history to a text file. Operations are separated by semicolons. The output can be adapted using the -his_option command. With -his_option show_states the -his command will also write out all states to the file (in the form of comments before and after operations). With -his_option show_init only the initial state is written out. The -sptxt command is executed after the -init, -animate, -t or -mc commands. See also the -sptxt command to only write the current values of variables and constants to a file.


probcli -animate 5 -his history.txt  supersimple.mch

Additionally we can have the initialised variables and constants:

probcli -animate 5 -his history.txt -his_option show_init supersimple.mch

And we can have in addition the values of the variables in between (and at the end):

probcli -animate 5 -his history.txt -his_option show_states supersimple.mch



interactive animation

After performing the other commands, ProB stays in interactive mode and allows the user to manually animate the loaded specification.


probcli my.mch -i



start interactive read-eval-print-loop


probcli my.mch -p CLPFD TRUE -repl

A list of commands can be obtained by typing :help (just help for versions 1.3.x of probcli). The interactive read-eval-print-loop can be exited using :q (just typing a return on a blank line for versions 1.3.x of probcli).. If in addition you want see a graphical representation of the solutions found you can use the following command and open the file using dotty or GraphViz:

probcli -repl -evaldot ~/

You can also use the -eval command to evaluate specific formulas or expressions:

probcli -eval "1+2"



print coverage statistics


probcli my.mch -mc 1000 -c

You can also use the longer name for the command:

probcli my.mch -mc 1000 --coverage

There is also a version which prints a shorter summary (and which is much faster for large state spaces):

probcli my.mch -mc 1000 --coverage_summary

-cc <Nr> <Nr>


print and check coverage statistics

Print coverage statistics and check that the given number of nodes and transitions have been computed.


probcli my.mch -mc 1000 -cc 10 25



Set <PREFERENCE> to <VALUE>. For more information about preferences please have a look at Preferences

You can also use --pref instead of -p. Example

probcli my.mch -p TIME_OUT 8000 -p CLPFD TRUE -mc 10000

-prefs <FILE>


Set preferences from preference file <FILE>. The file should be created by the Tcl/Tk version of ProB; this version automatically creates a file called For more information about preferences please have a look at Preferences


probcli my.mch -prefs

-card <GS> <VAL>


set scope of B deferred set


probcli my.mch ...

-goal <PRED>


set GOAL predicate for model checker


probcli my.mch -mc 10000000 -goal "n=18"  -strict -expcterr goal_found

-s <PORT>


start socket server on given port


probcli my.mch ...



start socket server on port 9000


probcli my.mch ...



start socket server on some free port


probcli my.mch ...

-sptxt <FILE>


save constants and variables to a file

Save the values of constants and variables to a text file in classical B syntax. The -sptxt command is executed after the -init, -animate, -t or -mc commands. The values are fully written out (some sets, e.g., infinite sets may be written out symbolically).

See also the -his command.


probcli -animate 5 -sptxt state.txt  supersimple.mch

This will write the values of all variables and constants to the file state.txt after animating the machine 5 steps.

-cache <DIRECTORY>


save constants (and in future also variables) to a file to avoid recomputation

This commands saves the values of constants for the current B machine and puts those values into files in the specified directory. The command will also tell ProB to try and reuse constants saved for subsidiary machines (included using SEES for example) whenever possible. The purpose of the command is to avoid recomputing constants as much as possible, as this can be very time consuming. This also works for values of variables computed in the initialisation or even using operations. However, we do not support refinements at the moment.

Note: this command can also be used when starting up the ProB Tcl/Tk version.

-l <LogFile>


log activities in <LogFile>


probcli my.mch -mc 1000 -l my.log



log activities in /tmp/prob_cli_debug.log


probcli my.mch -mc 1000 -ll

-lg <LogFile>


analyse <LogFile> using gnuplot


probcli my.mch ...

-pp <FILE>


pretty-print internal representation to <FILE>


probcli my.mch -pp my_pp.mch

-ppf <FILE>


pretty-print internal representation to <FILE>, force printing of all type infos


probcli my.mch -ppf my_ppf.mch



set ProB into verbose mode


probcli my.mch -mc 1000 -v



print version information

There is also an alternate command called -svers which just prints the version number of ProB. Example

probcli -version
ProB Command Line Interface
  VERSION 1.3.4-rc1 (9556:9570M)
  $LastChangedDate: 2011-11-16 18:36:18 +0100 (Wed, 16 Nov 2011) $
  Prolog: SICStus 4.2.0 (x86_64-darwin-10.6.0): Mon Mar  7 20:03:36 CET 2011
  Application Path: /Users/leuschel/svn_root/NewProB
probcli -svers
VERSION 1.3.4-rc1 (9556:9570M)



check ASSERTIONS of your machine

If you provide the -t switch, the ASSERTIONS will be checked after executing your trace. Otherwise, they will be checked in an initial state. ProB will automatically initialize the machine if you have not provide the -init or -t switch.

You can also use -main_assertions to check only the ASSERTIONS found in the main file.

If your ASSERTIONS are all static (i.e., make no reference to variables), then ProB will remove all CONSTANTS and PROPERTIES from your machine which are not linked (directly or indirectly) to the ASSERTIONS. This optimization will only be made if you provide no other switch, such as -mc or -animate which may require the computation of the variables.


probcli my.mch -init -assertions




Note: you should probably first initialise the machine (e.g., with -init). If the constants have not yet been set up, probcli will debug the properties.


probcli my.mch -init -properties

-dot_output <PATH>


define path for generation of dot files for false properties or assertions

This option is applicable to -properties and -assertions. It will result in individual dot files being generated for every false or unknown property or assertion. Assertions are numbered A0,A1,... and properties P0,P1,... You can also force to generate dot files for all properties (i.e., also the true ones) using the -dot_all command-line flag.


probcli my.mch -init -properties -dot_output somewhere/

This will generate files somewhere/, somewhere/, ...



runtime checking of types/pre-/post-conditions


probcli my.mch ...

-ltlfile <FILE>


check LTL formulas in file <FILE>


probcli my.mch ...



check LTL assertions (in DEFINITIONS)


probcli my.mch ...

-ltllimit <LIMIT>


explore at most <LIMIT> states when model-checking LTL


probcli my.mch ...

-save <FILE>


save state space for later refinement check


probcli my.mch ...

-refchk <FILE>


refinement check against previous saved state space


probcli my.mch ...

-mcm_tests <Depth> <MaxStates> <EndPredicate> <FILE>

Generate test cases for the given specification. Each test case consists of a sequence of operations resp. events (a so-called trace) that

  • start in a state after an initialisation
  • contain a requested operation/event
  • end in a state where the <EndPredicate> is fulfilled

The user can specify what requested operations/events are with the option -mcm_cover.

ProB uses a "breadth-first" approach to search for test cases. When all requested operations/events are covered by test cases within maximum length M, the algorithm will explore the complete state space with that maximum distance M from the initialisation. It outputs all found traces that satisfy the requirements above.

The algorithm stops if either

  • it has covered all required operations/events with the current search depth
  • or it has reached the maximum search depth or maximum number of explored states.

The required parameters are:

The maximum length of traces that the algorithm searches for test until it stops without covering all required operations/events.
The maximum number of explored states until the algorithm stops without covering all required operations/events.
A predicate in B syntax that the last state of a trace must fulfil. If you do not have any restrictions on that state, use a trivially true predicate like 1=1
The found test cases a written to the XML file <FILE>.


probcli my.mch -mcm_tests 10 2000 "EndStateVar=TRUE" testcases.xml -mcm_cover op1,op2

generates test cases for the operations op1 and op2 of the specification my.mch. The maximum length of traces is 10, at most 2000 states are explored. Each test case ends in a state where the predicate EndStateVar=TRUE holds. The found test cases are written to a file testcases.xml.

-mcm_cover <Operation(s)>

Specify an operation or event that should be covered when generating test cases with the -mcm_test option. Multiple operations/events can be specified by seperating them by comma or by using -mcm_cover several times.

See -mcm-tests for further details.

-spdot <FILE>


Write graph of the state space to a dot <FILE>


probcli my.mch ...

-cb_tests Depth EndPredicate File

Generate test cases by constraint solving with maximum length Depth, the last state satisfies EndPredicate and the test cases are written to File.

-cb_cover Operation

When generating CB test cases, Operation should be covered. The option can be given multiple times to specify several operations. Alternatively, multiple operations can be separated by a comma.

-test_description File

Read the options for constraint based test case generation from File.

-csp-guide File

Use the CSP File File to guide the B Machine ("CSP||B"). (This feature is included since version 1.3.5-beta7.)


You can use these preferences within the command:

MAXINT nat ==> MaxInt, used for expressions such as xx::NAT (2147483647 for 4 byte ints)
MININT neg ==> MinInt, used for expressions such as xx::INT (-2147483648 for 4 byte ints)
DEFAULT_SETSIZE nat ==> Size of unspecified deferred sets in SETS section. Will be used if a set s is neither enumerated, has no no card(s)=nr predicate in the PROPERTIES and has no scope_s == Nr DEFINITION.
MAX_INITIALISATIONS nat ==> Max Number of Initialisations and ways to setup constants computed
MAX_OPERATIONS nat ==> Max Number of Enablings per Operation Computed
ANIMATE_SKIP_OPERATIONS bool ==> Animate operations which are skip or PRE C THEN skip
COMPRESSION bool ==> Use more aggressive COMPRESSION when storing states
EXPAND_CLOSURES_FOR_STATE bool ==> Convert lazy form back into explicit form for Variables, Constants, Operation Arguments. ProB will sometimes try to keep certain sets symbolic. If this preference is TRUE then ProB will try to expand those sets for variables and constants after an operation has been executed.
SYMBOLIC bool ==> Lazy expansion of lambdas and set comprehensions. By default ProB will keep certain sets symbolic (e.g., sets it knows are infinite). When this preference is set to TRUE then all set comprehensions and lambda abstractions will at first be kept symbolic and only expanded into explicit form if needed.
CLPFD bool ==> Use CLP(FD) solver for B integers (restricts range to -2^28..2^28-1 on 32 bit computers). Setting this preference to TRUE should substantially improve ProB's ability to solve complicated predicates involving integers. However, it may cause CLP(FD) overflows in certain circumstances.
SMT bool ==> Enable SMT-Mode (aggressive treatment of : and /: inside predicates). With this predicate set to TRUE ProB will be better at solving certain constraint solving tasks. It should be enabled when doing constraint-based invariant or deadlock checking. ProB Tcl/Tk will turn this preference on automatically for those checks.
STATIC_ORDERING bool ==> Use static ordering to enumerate constants which occur in most PROPERTIES first
SYMMETRY_MODE [off,flood,nauty,hash] ==> Symmetry Mode: off,flood,canon,nauty,hash
TIME_OUT nat1 ==> Time out for computing enabled transitions (in ms)
PROOF_INFO bool ==> Use Proof Information to restrict invariant checking to affected unproven clauses. Most useful in EventB for models exported from Rodin.
TRY_FIND_ABORT bool ==> Try more aggressively to detect ill-defined expressions (e.g. applying function outside of domain), may slow down animator
NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS nat ==> How many levels of refined models are animated by default
ALLOW_INCOMPLETE_SETUP_CONSTANTS bool ==> Allow ProB to proceed even if only part of the CONSTANTS have been found.
PARTITION_PROPERTIES bool ==> Partition predicates (PROPERTIES) into components
USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION bool ==> Records: Check if axioms/properties describe a record pattern
OPERATION_REUSE bool ==> Try and reuse previously computed operation effects in B/Event-B
SHOW_EVENTB_ANY_VALUES bool ==> Show top-level ANY variable values of B Operations without parameters as parameters
RANDOMISE_OPERATION_ORDER bool ==> Randomise order of operations when computing successor states
EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO nat ==> When analysing predicates: max. domain size for expansion of forall (use 0 to disable expansion)
MAX_DISPLAY_SET int ==> Max size for pretty-printing sets (-1 means no limit)
CSP_STRIP_SOURCE_LOC bool ==> Strip source location for CSP; will speed up model checking
WARN_WHEN_EXPANDING_INFINITE_CLOSURES int ==> Warn when expanding infinite closures if MAXINT larger than:
TRACE_INFO bool ==> Provide various tracing information on the terminal/console.
DOUBLE_EVALUATION bool ==> Evaluate PREDICATES positively and negatively when analyzing assertions or properties
RECURSIVE bool ==> Lazy expansion of *Recursive* set Comprehensions and lambdas
IGNORE_HASH_COLLISIONS bool ==> Ignore Hash Collisions (if true not all states may be computed, visited states are not memorised !)
FORGET_STATE_SPACE bool ==> Do not remember state space (mainly useful in conjunction with Ignore Hash Collisions)
NEGATED_INVARIANT_CHECKING bool ==> Perform double evaluation (positive and negative) when checking invariants


probcli my.mch -p TIME_OUT 5000 -p CLPFD TRUE -p SYMMETRY_MODE hash -mc 1000

Some probcli examples

To load a file My.mch, setup the constants and initialize it do:

probcli -init My.mch

To load a file M.mch, setup the constants, initialize and then check all assertions with Atelier-B's default values for MININT and MAXINT and an increased timeout of 5 seconds do:

probcli -init -assertions -p MAXINT 2147483647 -p MININT -2147483647 -p TIME_OUT 5000 M.mch

To model check a specification M.mch while trying to minimize memory consumption and using symmtery reduction (and accepting hash collisions) do:



Please help us to improve this documentation by providing feedback in our bug tracker, asking questions in our prob-users group or sending an email to Michael Leuschel.