ProB covers a large part of B, and we are striving towards full coverage of Atelier B and B4Free constructs. ProB supports B features such as non-deterministic operations, ANY statements, operations with complex arguments, sets, sequences, functions, lambda abstractions, set comprehensions, records, constants and properties, and many more. Not supported are the Atelier B tree operations and there are restrictions on DEFINITIONS. ProB does support multiple machines, refinements, and implementations. ProB can also be used for automated refinement checking and LTL model checking. It also supports almost full CSP-M process descriptions (as of version 1.2.7), to be used on their own or to guide B machines for specification and property validation. The state space of the specifications can be graphically visualized. ProB also supports Z specifications (ProB in this context is sometimes called ProZ) as well as TLA+ specifications. We now also have an online ProB Logic Calculator.